Spring Has Sprung: Easter and April Fool’s Day in Albuquerque, 2018
Spring has sprung in Albuquerque! Although the sky was overcast most of the day, the temperature was pleasant and no wind was blowing.
The dwarf peach ‘Bonanza’ had begun to bloom when we got a hard freeze. I was afraid no peaches would form this year. And, for a variety of reasons, I had not photographed the tree at the height of its bloom. But, one bloom was left today. An extra bonus was that I could see one or two peaches were just beginning to develop!

Although the flowering Bradford pear trees around town have bloomed out, the pear trees in my yard have just begun to bloom. Some of you may remember that I have a pollinator pear that produces fruit the birds love. The smaller tree produces pears that people love.

Pansies and crocus (the crocus from a couple of weeks ago) round out today’s spring offerings.

Finally, I hope you have had a wonderful day wherever you are!
Beautiful. We don’t have a single pansy.
Hi, Tim. They are a little later this year than last year, I think. They are just now beginning to get going.
I love those happy little pansy faces! 🙂
Hi, Lavinia! They do have a way of brightening up any day! Nice to see you. Thank you for stopping by! Happy Easter.
These photos are enlightening. They lift my spirits. Thank you for such beauty.
Hi, Pearl! It is so nice to see you today! The flowers lifted my spirits too…here in NM the winter has been mild, but it has still seemed gloomy. I was happy to see the color in the yard today. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! 🙂
So lovely and good to know the fruit has a chance! (The daffodils in my brother’s garden in SF today have an impossible orange color on the corona! ) Thank you for sharing!
Hi, Laurie. I was certain there would be no peaches in my yard this year, so when I saw those tiny little peaches forming, I was so happy. Nice to see you!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful flower photos with us today Susan. They are so colorful and fresh. It must be spring, or very close.
Hi, Juanita! Today actually felt like spring, even though the sky was overcast. So it should be spring in Santa Fe very soon. My miniature roses are so leafed out I’ll never be able to see where I need to be pruning! ‘Pike’s Peak’ is giving every indication of a glorious year. 🙂
What lovely spring blooms!
Hi, Mel! How wonderful to find this morning that you have stopped by! I know your summer is becoming autumn, but here we are so ready for spring. I hope all is well with you and that you are having a lot of fun with photography. Thank you for saying Hello! 🙂
Fingers crossed you get no late frosts. They are often the bane of our garden. Beautiful photos!
Hi, Carol. Thank you! Yes, one year we got a hard freeze in May, and it was fall before the roses bloomed. I worry about that, also. So nice to see you; thanks for stopping by!
Your tiny peach photo reminds me of the old expression “all hat, no cattle” except here it would be all fuzz, no peach. as usual beautiful photography.
Hi, Bob! So nice to find you here this morning! Those baby peaches really are pretty much all fuzz. Actually, even when mature, these peaches have quite a bit of fuzz. I don’t have many baby peaches this year, and I hope that they continue to mature. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by! I hope all is going well with you.