Tithonia is also known as “Mexican Sunflower.”
This is a fun flower to photograph. Its color is vivid. The blooms appear on gracefully curved stems. It attracts a variety of pollinators. It does make a few seeds for the birds, but not in the same quantity as regular sunflowers.
This is my first bloom of tithonia this year.

Wow! That is really beautiful.
Thanks, Tim.
You’ve captured such radiant life!
Therese, thank you.
The Tithonia bloom is vividly beautiful, Susan. How well does this species stand up to drought conditions?
Hi, Lavinia. The blooms are actually tougher than those of the common sunflower.And the curving stem adds an extra dimension to its beauty.
We had an unusual cold spell in May, after I had sown seeds for my annuals. After weeks the tithonia had not germinated. So I put sunflower seeds in that pot. The tithonia germinated at the same time as the replacement sunflowers. I was hesitant to pull the seedlings, so I have one tithonia and two sunflowers. The sunflowers are making seeds for the birds and the tithonia plant is small but the bloom seems sturdy.
Next year the tithonia will once again have its own pot. 🙂
I may try some of these. I have sunchokes, which have edible roots and golden sunflower-like blooms. Tithonia would make a nice color companion.