Photography, Butterflies, Flowers, Friends

phtography, flowers

Photography, butterflies, and flowers have been favorite subjects over the years. Over the years I have photographed them at the Albuquerque Botanic Garden and at the Tucson Botanic Garden. But being with friends always adds to the pleasure. Several years ago Tim Price, my mom, and I went to the east side of the Sandias to watch a horse shoeing competition, which was fascinating. However, the standout part for me of that “photographic excursion” was finding bushes swarmed with all kinds of butterflies. Most of all, though, trips to the Price home provide many photographic opportunities.

Yesterday, July 13, was another fun day. As I drove in, Tim was already photographing flowers and butterflies. If you follow his blog, Off Center and Not Even, you will be able to see some of his images from yesterday.

photography, butterflies, flowers
Photographing Butterflies in Corrales

At this time of year, different flowers are a peak bloom compared to those that bloom in spring and fall. The Shasta Daisies appeared fresh and clean. They were delightful.

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Shasta Daisies at the Price Home in Corrales
A Little Butterfly

Although it was mid-afternoon, a few butterflies were active. Tim was making a video recording of a tiny butterfly I was not familiar with. Even under the best of circumstances, photographing black and white in a color setting can be difficult. Adding to the difficulty is harsh mid-day sun. I consider these to be from a learning situation. 🙂

photography, butterflies, flowers
Can You See the Butterfly?

Although I had taken my macro lens, my all-purpose 24-105mm lens is what was on the camera. I didn’t want to risk the butterfly being gone if I took time to change lenses. Therefore, this image is a crop of the one above to show a “close-up” of this little butterfly. I could not show one of the unique adaptations of this butterfly: a rear end that resembles a front end. However, you can see the beauty of this little guy (girl?)

photography, butterflies, flowers
Close-Up of Butterfly on Shasta Daisy

This black swallowtail has seen some tough times. But, it was feeding voraciously on this butterfly bush, stocking up to live another day.

butterflies flowers
“Survivor” – Black Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush
On the Deck

The Prices are gourmet cooks. What they prepare is the best of its kind I have had anywhere. Certainly that was true for yesterday’s entree, Jamaican Jerk Pork.

Laurie Carving Jamaican Jerk Pork
Laurie Carving the Jamaican Jerk Pork
Laurie Cutting the Jamaican Jerk Pork into 2 Inch Chunks

Certainly, this was an incredible dinner!

Moreover, the weather added its special touch. The afternoon had been hot; this is July. As we sat down, a typical July thunderstorm blew in. We enjoyed the cool down. After that, a brilliant and long lasting piece of rainbow appeared. Perfect!

It was a great day. The kind of day I have come to expect when invited to Corrales.

Added Note

When I ask the Prices what I should bring, the response is usually Blueberry Pound Cake. But one of the parrots seems to know what it is and like it too. Tim shared this today:

(The parrot) saw I had a donut, and started screaming for a piece of it. So I thought. I gave him a piece of donut, red velvet at that. He turned his beak up at the donut and demanded your pound cake. Laurie gave him a piece pound cake and he his happily chomping it down.

In summary, yesterday with photography, butterflies, flowers, and friends was perfect!

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