“Fire in the Sky” Sunrise

“Fire in the Sky” Sunrise

This is the kind of sunrise photographers anticipate, wait for, and photograph quickly when it does materialize because sunrises like this will not last long. I stood, looking out, with camera on hand and set for my usual sunrise settings, for about 15 minutes. When the color appeared, I started photographing at 7:02am. I stopped at 7:10am. This image is from 7:07am.

More stormy weather is on the way, and it is already windy. But the sunrise was worth being up for. 🙂

9 Replies to ““Fire in the Sky” Sunrise”

    1. I was up early, and knew the potential was there. So I watched for it. Many mornings I watch, and the potential isn’t realized. Today was spectacular. My mom texted that she caught part of it between the houses in her neighborhood, and she was glad that she saw it too.

  1. What a glorious sunrise, Susan! That was definitely worth waiting for. Thank you for sharing it with us. I need some more light and sun. The short, cold and cloudy days have been hard on me. As long as there is sun, I feel so much better.

    1. Hi, Juanita! I’m in total agreement about the sun and light. So far this has not been a cold winter, but it has seemed dark. I guess tomorrow and Wednesday will be both dark and cold 🙁
      ARS tweeted your Golden Wings. It is a beautiful image and I smiled when I saw it.
      Thanks for dropping by!

    1. Barbara, thank you ?
      A special Thank You for continuing to speak up in places I frequently choose to not even read!
      I very much appreciate your dropping by here today!

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