Sunset, Snow, Mountains: The Beauty of New Mexico
Sunset, snow, mountains: compare this sunset over the Sandia Mountains less than 36 hours after the very fiery sunrise in the previous post.

Late afternoon was cold and very windy. But the image appears calm – at least to me – compared to the fiery sunrise. The weather that morning was relatively calm (on the ground) and warm. I also watched this one as it developed, and had my camera and coat ready. I felt cold only when I was back in the house. This view, like most of those shown here, is from my back yard. 5:30pm. I see an old man with a Pinocchio nose in the cloud. Do you?
I rarely show photographs from the front yard, because the view is of a street of houses, driveways, and parked vehicles. Every now and then, though, I have to try because something special cannot be ignored. This is the same sunset looking east to the Sandias at sunset. This is toward the north end of the Sandias, with the collection of towers. 5:29pm.

This week is one of wind, along with cold compared to the winter we had had so far. But, I am not complaining, because the weather has brought the kind of sunrises and sunsets I love.
Beautiful sunset on the mountains.
Hi, Tim, thanks. I have been so delighted to see the return of our colorful skies! It seemed for too long this winter that the clouds and skies were dark, in a prolonged way that is unusual for here.
Going gentle into that good night. Nice colors and shadows.
Hi, Barbara. I always love our skies and our light, but the soft and gentle skies are so soothing to me right now. (I slept very well last night 🙂 )
You live in such a beautiful part of the world, Susan! 🙂
Hi, Mel. So nice to see you here; I very much appreciate your dropping by.
When I was growing up, most of our summer vacations involved trips to the Southwest. Even as a small child, I somehow knew my soul resided in the Southwest. The few times we went other places, I felt somehow cheated of a real vacation that year.
I like to visit other places, but I’m always happy to get back to the high desert and home.
Thank you so much for visiting here!
I love these sunrise photos, Susan! Cotton candy clouds on such a gorgeous blue sky, and the Sandia Mountains bathed in the first light of day. Glad you were up!
Hi, Lavinia! Thank you! The skies in recent days have made up for the cold, windy days. I’ve also become aware that the days are becoming noticeably longer! I’m looking forward to Spring. 🙂