
Even as a child visiting the Southwest on vacations, I understood there was something special about the light here. Rather than growing tired of it with now-constant exposure and age, I appreciate it even more. While this morning was a little nippy and the arrival of Fall is not far behind, sunrise was spectacular (even without crepuscular rays 🙂 ))))))))) )!
Beautiful, Susan! I enjoy the start to the day, also, but you seem to be in tune with actual sunrises!
Hi, Carol. Thank you. You know how you can look back and see that in certain years you grew in some areas (like roses, or arrangements, or cooking, etc.)? I feel like this year I have really become attuned to both big and little changes in light from dawn through dusk. It has been fun. (Maybe it is because I got my cataracts fixed, which I did not even realize were a problem until driving one night! 🙂 ))))))))
Thanks for dropping by, and for the comment.