The Albuquerque Biopark is a wonderful place to visit at any time of the year.
I went today to see some of the bulbs that were blooming in the Mediterranean Conservatory. Until today, I had never paid much attention to the building itself. That may be because when the trees and other plants have leaves, the building does not stand out so much. But today I found the building itself an interesting photographic subject.
Mediterranean Conservatory at the Albuquerque Biopark
Another post will show some of the beautiful bulbs that were blooming within the Mediterranean Conservatory today. This images in this post, however, are of the outside of the Mediterranean Conservatory itself. The sun was out when I first arrived, but clouds had moved in by the time I was making the last images.
Mediterranean Conservatory at the Albuquerque BioparkMediterranean Conservatory at Albuquerque Biopark
I would encourage everyone to consider visiting the Biopark. As spring arrives, it will begin to change almost daily. The Biopark is one of Albuquerque’s jewels.
The choice of placement of the horizon line in a photograph certainly affects what the image conveys to the viewer. Last fall I took a photography class in which one of the assignments was to take 5 photographs which were the same in all respects except for moving the horizon line. I took multiple series for this assignment, but finally decided on one from the West Side Open Space, taken last November. All were shot at f8, 1/125 sec, 24 mm, ISO 100, on a full frame camera. I also used a circular polarizing filter.
Of the five, this image was my favorite:
Horizon Lines – West Side Open Space, November 2012
Although that particular one was my favorite just as a choice out of the five, which one would be “better” would depend entirely upon the uses to which the image was to be put, as well as individual taste. Further, this series of images was taken for a specific assignment. Had I been photographing for myself, I would have chosen a time closer to sunset when the light was on the trees and mountains in the distance.
The results of changing the horizon line can be seen in this very brief video containing the five images.
The assignment was certainly effective at showing how much difference in appearance a simple shift in horizons can make in an image.
Albuquerque, and the Desert Southwest, are known for beautiful light and amazing sunrises and sunsets.
This image is from the morning of February 20. In the afternoon, the wind really picked up and clouds rolled in. That night, and in to the following day, we had snow. Although it was not a large amount of snow, we were grateful for it. The Desert Southwest is in the grip of a severe drought, and any precipitation is welcome.
Colorful and beautiful sunrises and sunsets are quite common here, but they are short-lived. This particular sunrise was extremely short-lived. The dark cloud you see on the right in this image moved in quite rapidly, and the reds and oranges in the sky disappeared as quickly as they arrived.
But, no matter how short, a beautiful sunrise is always welcome.
I had known for some time that friends were planning to demolish two old adobes on their land. The process had actually been delayed for a couple of years by intervening life events that required attention first. Over the years I had taken some photos of the smaller adobe casita, but never one that I thought captured the essence of New Mexico adobes. At the beginning of summer of 2012, after some high winds had ripped parts of roofs off, creating a definite liability, friends Tim and Laurie made definite plans for the demolition of the old adobes on their land.
In June of 2012 I finally managed to make an image of the smaller adobe casita that captured what I wanted to show. The day lilies that had been lovingly planted were blooming, the wonderful light of sunset was falling on the adobe, and the beautiful old cottonwood that was both providing a foundation for the casita and at the same time threatening its walls was clearly seen. I posted this image on Facebook.
Adobe Casita
The image started a discussion that, on the one hand made me happy because people saw the charm of the adobe casita, and on the other hand made friends Tim and Laurie wonder if I were trying to “save the casita.” I began to worry I might lose a friendship over that one photo! 🙁 Images have power that sometimes we do not realize!
Not to worry, however. Tim and Laurie allowed me to spend a week in August 2012 photographing before, during, and after the demolition.
The little adobe casita was charming, even partway through demolition. This image shows the view from the front door, looking out on the brown-eyed Susans that were blooming in August, along with some of the door detail, and the adobe construction itself.
Partially demolished adobe casita
But, as charming as I found some things about the little casita, even I knew it either had to come down, or a lot of money spent to restore it.
These images inside the casita were taken 36 hours before the beginning of demolition:
Old adobe – Kuaua Pueblo at Coronado State Monument, just a little north of Albuquerque and just a little west of I-25, is an example of old adobe construction. Built around AD 1300, Coronado encountered this pueblo when he entered the Southwest in AD 1540 searching for the famed Seven Cities of Gold (he was looking for the wrong thing 🙂 )
Coronado State Monument
The major pueblos are often thought of as the Western Pueblos (Hopi, Zuni, Acoma) and the Rio Grande Pueblos, and then further characterized by language groups. In New Mexico, there are living Pueblos along the Rio Grande from Isleta to Taos, and archaeological sites are numerous in the same – and probably somewhat larger – area. It makes sense that people would locate along this major Southwestern waterway. The puebloan peoples were agricultural, and a river location is great for a lot of reasons.
Visitors today can see spectacular views of the river, as well as the Sandia Mountains looking toward the southeast, from Kuaua. This image was taken in the morning, and the mountains are essentially shading themselves. At sunset, the mountains are a totally different color. Often I cannot help remembering one of my old professors, Clara Lee Tanner, who would speak of the “blues, purples, and reds of the mountains and skies of the intermontane valleys of the Desert Southwest” (that was long before those colors had any political significance).
Pueblo location along the Rio Grande River
Kuaua Pueblo was abandoned sometime in the 16th Century (relations and interactions between the pueblos and Spaniards are for discussion in another time and place). It fell into disrepair, and slowly returned to the earth, as adobe will do when not constantly maintained.
The Adobe Project documents the gradual disappearance of adobe dwellings in New Mexico, as this building material for homes, typical of the area for centuries, loses its relevance in the 21st Century. I have taken well over 1200 photographs since June of 2012, and I am continuing to photograph buildings and remains of buildings made of this material.
Old adobe casita, June 2012
Adobe, made of earth and organic material such as straw, and then formed into bricks which are sun dried, is found worldwide and has been a typical construction material in the Southwest United States, including New Mexico, for centuries. Some of the well known landmarks in New Mexico include Coronado State Monument; the Palace of the Governors, the oldest continuously occupied public building in the United States; and many of the historic churches, such as the Old San Ysidro Church in Corrales. The structures recognized as historically important are being maintained through governmental support or by a community effort, such as the annual “mudding day” at some of the historic churches.
Adobe has been a “dirt cheap” construction material for homes as well as for public structures, and these dwellings have given New Mexico communities much of their character. But it is a high maintenance construction material. Because the bricks are sun dried and not fired, they are unstable, shrinking and swelling with changing water content. Adobe requires constant and time consuming maintenance and repair, if it is not to wash and/or blow away.
Regular maintenance was not a problem when daily activities of life were close to home; it was simply a part of life. With urbanization and the growth of jobs away from the home, maintenance becomes a chore for which there may be little time, energy, or money. Without constant and regular care, the adobe dwelling deteriorates, and is eventually abandoned.
Abandoned adobe dwellings dot the landscape. Either by natural forces or demolition, the dwellings are disappearing. Because builders are now using materials that simulate the old adobe, the casual observer may not be aware that the true adobe dwellings are disappearing. This project documents some of these dwellings before they disappear completely. Continue reading “The Adobe Project”
Life, Day 1 – is there anything more beautiful or more giving of hope than a brand new baby?
Beautiful newborn baby, Day 1 of Life, less than 24 hours old
Last week I had the honor to photograph this tiny, beautiful baby in the morning after birth the evening before. It has been some years since I last delivered a baby, but the thrill of new life will be with me forever. Photographing newborns is as satisfying in its own way as delivering them.
I have known the new mother (and new grandmother) for many years, and that bond may have made the opportunity to photograph this particular newborn even more special. This child was born into a family in which it will receive every opportunity to maximize its potential. And I think it is the potential of all newborns that gives hope to the world.
For that reason, all newborn babies are special. Life, Day 1 is the beginning for any baby. Mothers on Day 1 may feel more like this represents the end of a pregnancy (often with some relief), but within a short amount of time mothers, fathers, grandparents, and others realize how fast the new addition is growing and changing. Newborn portraits record a very special time in an entire family’s life.
I am once again doing, on a limited, custom basis, maternity, newborn, and family portraits. If you are interested, you may find more information about custom portraiture at Albuquerque Maternity Portraits.
If you would like more information, or to discuss an appointment, you may contact me using this form.
ANMPAS 2012 – the Annual New Mexico Photographic Arts Show – will open this year on December 1 and run through December 28. As in previous years, the show will be held in the Fine Arts Building of EXPO NM. This is juried show of New Mexico photographers.
The Opening Reception is Saturday, December 1, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The show will be open to the public December 2 – 28, from 10 – 5 daily. The show will be closed Tuesday and December 24 and 25.
This year I have four images in the show, one shown as a single framed print, and the other three shown as a framed triptych. All are from the Adobe in New Mexico series. They are just a small part of a large, ongoing study of the disappearance of adobe structures in New Mexico. Adobe was once the defining construction material in New Mexico. It was highly functional and “dirt cheap” at one time, but adobe requires regular maintenance such as yearly “mudding.”
Adobe is rapidly being replaced by more modern and longer lasting construction materials. Abandoned adobes dot the New Mexico landscape. Many are unstable and dangerous. Some will be demolished, as the one depicted in all four images in the ANMPAS show. Others will gradually weather away and return to the earth from which they came.
Over time, it is highly likely that the only adobe structures that will remain will be those that are cared for and maintained by communities, because it is simply too expensive and time consuming for individuals. Examples of adobe structures currently being maintained are the Old San Ysidro Church in Corrales, New Mexico, and also the historic Martinez House in Corrales.
Abandoned on the Bosque #2. In the background is a large adobe with attached mobile home. That adobe, as well as a smaller one, were scheduled for demolition in 36 hours.The Original one Room Adobe. No one knows the date of construction of this adobe. By the middle of the second day, this is what was left of the adobe structure with attached mobile home seen above.Demolition of the Original Room Progressing. As you can see, this phase was very dusty. I had to have my camera professionally cleaned after the week spent photographing the demolition of two abandoned adobes on the bosque.The adobe construction, with the adobe bricks and plaster are clearly seen in this image
I hope to see many of you from the Albuquerque area at the ANMPAS show this December.
Over time, as I work through the more than 1,000 images I have so far on adobes, abandoned adobes, maintenance of adobes, and demolition of adobes, I’ll be showing more of the Adobe in New Mexico story here and elsewhere.
El Dia de los Muertos – literally, “Day of the Dead.” Celebrated widely throughout Latin America, New Mexico has its own way of celebrating. It is all about “Honoring the Dead, Loving the Living.”
“Honoring the Dead, Loving the Living”
The Muertos y Marigold Parade in Albuquerque’s South Valley celebrated its 20th Anniversary this year on November 4th, which was made all the more interesting because this was 2 days before the US Presidential Election.
People have asked for prints of images from the Parade, and they are now available for purchase at El Dia de los Muertos Gallery at Susan Brandt Graham Photography.