Pomegranates: Fruit of Myths
Pomegranates: fruit of myths; regular readers here – thank you! – are familiar with the myth of Persephone. Enjoyable for eating today, they are also wonderful photographic subjects.

Some quotes:
“And the pomegranates, like memories, are bittersweet as we huddle together, remembering just how good life used to be”
Author: Guadalupe Garcia McCall
“So where does the name Adam’s apple come from? Most people say that it is from the notion that this bump was caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in the throat of Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a problem with this theory because some Hebrew scholars believe that the forbidden fruit was the pomegranate. The Koran claims that the forbidden fruit was a banana. So take your pick—Adam’s apple, Adam’s pomegranate, Adam’s banana. Eve clearly chewed before swallowing.”
Author: Mark Leyner
The pomegranate as a fruit and in myths and religion has a very long history throughout the world. With this image, I wanted to create a “feel” for its Middle Eastern origins as well as a sense of age.
A Note About Photography
As this is a photography blog, I want to mention something all serious photographers know well. That is, cameras do not create images, people do. The camera is but one tool for the creation of photographic images. When I hear, Öh, but so-and-so has a good camera,” I am reminded of an old joke loved by photographers.
A photographer is invited to dinner. During dinner the hostess says, “You do beautiful photography. You must have a great camera.” To which the photographer replies, “The dinner was delicious. You must have a great stove.”
Serious photographers do something with their images daily, most of which are never seen by the world. They learn something each day, be it about their camera, other equipment, or themselves. This affects every image created, going forward.
Life issues have temporarily decreased my blogging time, but not daily photography of some sort. Many thanks to everyone who continues to check in here periodically.
Hi Susan, your quote about Eve made me chuckle. You’re right about what makes a photograph interesting; it’s the person behind the camera. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Juanita! So nice to see you this morning. I’m very glad the quote gave you a chuckle; it certainly made me smile, too. 🙂
You are one of the first people to come to mind when I think about people creating the image. What I think about is all the beautiful images you created with a point-and-shoot and no editing software at all. I don’t know what you are using now, but I suspect you have upgraded just to increase your various tools.
Thanks for dropping by!
I do like the background pattern. It does give it a ancient Middle Eastern feel. Nicely done. I hope all is well with you and your family. BJM
Hi, Barbara. Thank you! I enjoyed playing with this one, and there were many revisions. When I’m working on this kind of thing, my FitBit thinks I’m asleep. 🙂 )))))))))
One good thing about this winter is that I am getting my house in better order! I still have a long way to go to get it the way I want it, but some progress is better than none.
Thanks for dropping by and for the comment.
One reason I don’t post stats on camera, lens, etc. unless asked. We can as easily use an phone, as a pro grade digital or a film camera. The camera is a tool and good tools help, but aren’t always necessary. Love the pomegranates.
Hi, Tim! You know I agree completely. The photo of Spunk that people like so much was with my phone. I think that the more people photograph, the more they want to push the envelope and try different tools. But the images produced are the result of continuous learning. You not only photograph every day, you post every day!!! There are people who would look at your gear and say, “that’s why his photos are good,” never realizing it is because you are always doing it. That’s also why you can pick up a phone and get a good image – you know what a good image is.
I’m glad you like the pomegranates. I had fun with this one, and these were from my mother’s yard. 🙂
I studied mythology in 9th grade, and was fascinated by it. We also had a good teacher who helped make it interesting. Beautiful image of the pomegranates, Susan.
I agree, the more one photographs things of interest to them, the more one learns. Mother Nature provides the classroom and materials. My little Sony Cybershot is a good teacher.
Hi, Lavinia. Thank you! I agree with all that you state.
My first digital camera was a little Nikon Coolpix 4300 I bought in 2004. I wore that little camera out. It died in the summer of 2008 while I was at Tim and Laurie’s, photographing their roses. My next camera was also a point-and-shoot, but for me, complex enough I took a class, “How to Use Your Digital Camera.” One thing led to another, and I ended up doing a whole program. I didn’t get a dSLR until I wanted to do things that camera did not do. I learn something new every day.
Thanks for dropping by!