Stormy Sunrise: Pink to Orange in Less Than Three Minutes
Stormy sunrise this morning, bringing at least the hope of rain. I did not get rain at my house, but I did enjoy photographing the sky. The gif is made with jpgs straight from the camera with no photo editing other than cropping.

This may not be as impressive as the crepuscular rays at sunset a few nights ago. Nevertheless, as we enter our monsoon season, I am looking forward to seeing – hopefully – many spectacular skies. Some actual rain would also be nice. 🙂
Beautiful. I was up but didn’t get out for the colors.
Hi, Tim. The colors looking to the north end of the Sandias were particularly vivid this morning, but that’s the view that gives me houses, driveways, cars, trucks, etc., etc. Of course, if you had headed out even as the colors just appeared, they would so quickly be gone. I show what I see walking out my kitchen door 🙂 ))))))))))) It was so cloudy when I got up I thought there would be no colors today, and then, suddenly, there they were!
Lovely sunrise! I will admit I have never seen a really beautiful sunrise with my own eyes. Sunset, yes. Sunrise, no.
Hi, Faith. Ha!Ha! Ob/Gyns are up at all hours of the day and night, even long after retirement it seems. 😉 The upside to that is, I catch a lot of sunrises 🙂 ))))))))))) Nice to see you!
I liked that you put together the 4 photo’s into a GIF. Storms in the morning seems unusual to me. Does that happen much where you live. We usually see them late afternoon, after a very hot day.
Hi, Boomdeeadda. Nice to meet you! Our more typical storms are like yours. But, we are as likely to have vivid sunrises as vivid sunsets. We are in our monsoon season now, and some heavy rains are predicted for tomorrow.
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