Photographs of Roses from the 2014 American Rose Society Fall National Convention and Show
Roses are, of course, the focal point of any rose show, whether at the local, district, or national level. In the beginning, rose shows consisted only of horticultural displays. Later, rose arrangements were added to many shows. In the past several years, rose photography has become an important part of many rose shows. It adds another dimension to the enjoyment of roses.
The American Rose Society has had a long-standing annual photography competition for its magazine, American Rose. In recent years, photography competitions have been held in conjunction with ARS National Conventions and Shows, but not directly tied to ARS. For the 2014 Fall National Convention and Show, ARS Photography Chairman Curtis Aumiller organized a print competition, with submitted entries to be displayed in Klima Hall at ARS Headquarters in Shreveport through the holidays.
In the Spring of 2014, at the ARS Spring National in San Diego, Curtis had suggested that top winners in Photography be given the titles of the top winners in Horticulture. In roses, the top award, the equivalent of “Best in Show,” is Queen. Second place is awarded King, and third place is awarded Princess. These awards are on top of Best in Class awards.
I was very happy to have a photograph of the Climbing Floribunda ‘Dream Weaver’ awarded Queen and another of ‘Gemini’ awarded King at the 2014 ARS Fall National.
Dream Weaver
Photographer grown
King of Show
Best of Rose Art
I donated my matted and mounted entries to the American Rose Society to be sold in the Gift Shop at ARS Headquarters in Shreveport after the show is over.
Great work on the winning photos, and also on all the time you put into laying the foundations for the ARS photo competitions.
I tried to get a Queen of show in arrangements just to bug my brother-in-law who thinks arranging roses is not very manly. Laurie always beat for the Queen of show, so I ended up as King. Although I might have gotten a Princess. That would probably bug him 😉
When you and Laurie stopped doing arrangements for the shows (for a variety of reasons), it was a huge loss to the Albuquerque Rose Society. Huge!
As things have worked out, I have really been enjoying all the new and different things you and Laurie have been showing me about roses. I’m already looking forward to the Dr. Huey Tour in May. 🙂
Things change as we know, and while there are the unfortunate aspects to those changes, fortunately, between us, we always seem to come up with cool things to do with roses.
I would expand that to, between us, we always seem to come up with cool things to do! 🙂 🙂 🙂
(I’m still processing all those images from October! A good position to be in.)
Those rose pictures look fantastic Susan, very romantic two, your Gemini will be a success for sure !
Marie-Claude, so nice to see you “over here.” 🙂
I have enjoyed visiting with you on two other sites (at least!), and I am delighted to welcome you to “my home.”
Thank you so much for the comment. It is very much appreciated! ~ Susan
Congratulations. Photos and roses are beautiful. Remarkable artistic sensitivity.
Thank you so much, Gisela!