Autumn Roses

Autumn Roses

Autumn roses seem especially sweet. Maybe that is because they will soon disappear until Spring. This past spring I had too many distractions and demands to take good care of the roses then. But, the monsoon season was good to my yard. That inspired me to get out and work to get a few things in better shape. I was happily surprised with the roses available to photograph this weekend. Also, I’m playing with a new program, so I feel a bit like a kid with a new set of finger paints. Thank you for indulging me.

autumn roses
autumn roses
Distant Drums
autumn roses
Foolish Pleasure

We are supposed to get more rain in the middle of the week. I put a few pansies out this weekend, and rain would be good for them as well as for the long-standing roses.

ARS Rose Notes

For my rose friends who read here, the final ARS Guidelines for Judging Rose Photography includes a National Challenge Class that will first be offered at the ARS Spring 2018 Convention. This is a heads-up, because photographing bloom cycles requires some planning. I do think this is a worthy national challenge class.

Nat’l Challenge Class

Monday Morning Thoughts, a Long Digression

I’ve been watching Ken Burns’ The Viet Nam War. Throughout, I have thought about people I’ve known, and where they are in life and in their heads today (for those still alive). Last night was a little different. The episode covered the Tet Offensive to the assassination of Robert Kennedy. That is, Spring 1968, when Martin Luther King was also assassinated. I remember watching Lyndon Johnson’s speech, and many other things that had slipped into the deep recesses of my mind.

I was a student at the University of Chicago in the Spring of 1968. The University is on the south side of Chicago. I had come from a university that might consider tearing down a library if necessary to expand football. The University of Chicago had torn down the football field and was in the process of building a new library. I lived in a 12th floor apartment, that looked south. I could see Rockefeller Chapel, the Museum of Science and Industry, and a tiny glimpse of Lake Michigan. The university had its own bus for students, a bus that continually circled through Hyde Park to shuttle students to and from classes and back home. Most days I had the same bus driver.

Chicago When Martin Luther King Was Assassinated

Martin Luther King was assassinated on a Thursday. Friday morning was calm on the south side of Chicago. By the end of classes Friday afternoon, the tension was palpable. I caught the bus to go home. I was the last person off. The driver, who had gotten to know me over the year, said, “I’m going to drop you off at the door to your building today (instead of about 1/2 block away). Don’t go out tonight. Stay in your apartment.”

That weekend, first of all, and for days, I could look out and see the south side of Chicago burning. As a result, the heavily armed Military, not just police and National Guard, were patrolling the streets. Most of all, I remember looking out and seeing the Army camped on the grounds of the Museum of Science and Industry. Military tents completely covered those grounds. Maybe that is what I have remembered most of all.

I watched the helicopters hover over the meeting between the Blackstone Rangers and police, as they tried to work out a truce.

I have not thought about these things in a long time. What stood out to me from last night’s episode was the Marine, who had fought in Viet Nam, who was ordered to go to one of the cities with civil unrest. He refused an order to go, which essentially ended his military career. He said in essence, “I thought we would be sent for regular police work, protecting buildings, that kind of thing. Then they started issuing the same equipment we had had in Viet Nam: flak jackets, the same bullets, all the same things. I said I was not going.”

That was 49 years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I half-apologize for the digression.

8 Replies to “Autumn Roses”

    1. Hi, Barbara. Thank you! Roses come in so many colors, sizes, shapes, amount of care required, etc., etc. At one time I grew 150 in my small yard, and really enjoyed them. I have fewer than that now, and what I have is about all I can take of. But I’ve been giving extra care to the ones I have really loved through the years. I’m still learning to photograph them in such a way that the love comes through.
      Thank you also for the CME info!

    1. Hi, Anita! “Smile” quality is one of the most important attributes of roses, other flowers, our pets, and people! I’m glad you found some that made you smile! Thank you for dropping by today. 🙂

  1. The roses are so beautiful. And I can just smell their cool fragrances!
    Your memory of that awful day and week in the midst of that awful era was chilling. (My brother and husband are Viet Nam vets. My husband just went to the Angel Fire memorial after watching the Ken Burns pieces. Makes you think. Thank you for writing down your thoughts.

  2. Hi, Laurie. I just wrote a long reply and it disappeared!!!! I’ll try again. First, thank you for your comments. I think Ken Burns has done us all a favor, and I almost didn’t watch it. The opening “we didn’t talk about Vietnam” was brilliant. At my high school reunion a couple of years ago the topic did come up, and there was still so much pain. I can understand your husband going to the Angel Fire memorial. The last two episodes have disturbed my thoughts, so I cannot even imagine what it must be like for so many of the guys. It is a very disturbing film, which is what makes it so brilliant. Makes his other brilliant pieces look like child’s play. This is nothing like the first lengthy comment I wrote, but I’ll spare you (for now 😉 ). Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!

  3. Beautiful rose photos, Susan.

    About the Ken Burns’ Vietnam film, I haven’t watched. My dad is a veteran from that war and Korea. He is of a different cloth regarding those two wars. He said they were a terrible waste of fine young men because we really made no effort to wage the war properly – in essence you fight to win, there is no middle ground. Being a combat medic in Korea, then chief OR tech in Vietnam, dad saw what war can do. He really did not want me to be in the military, saying he saw/did enough for the both of us. Growing up during the Vietnam years was certainly different, but my perspective was from the home front. I didn’t particularly like the anti-war groups because they said the most vile and hateful things. They are the things that cannot be taken back once said, or blamed as foolish thoughts of being young. The worst comments came from the few sons and daughters whose dads served in Vietnam and hating their dads because of it. I always thought, “How could you say that about your own dad. He did his job. War is a messy, dirty business – you know that.” For my dad, both wars are ancient history – you learn the lessons, then move ahead.

    You may ask, “Did I stay out of the military?” Short answer, no.

    To better thoughts, enjoy the Balloon Fiesta. We have our own balloon festival over the Labor Day weekend here in COS. This year, they flew over our neighborhood, the first time in many years. Always great to see. 🙂

    1. Hi, David. Thank you for the comment. I just now found it WP did not let me know. I’m glad you enjoyed the roses. They are about to come to an end for this year, and I am savoring every one.
      I’m glad I watched the series (I almost didn’t), and I was drained when it ended. But it did give me many new things to think about.. But I can also understand those who don’t want to see, at least not now. Thank you for your thoughts.
      Yes, the Balloon Fiesta!!!!! Starts one week from today. I plan to take lots of pictures, and I’ll post some here if I get any. They don’t come up to this area of Albuquerque, but Park and Ride has made the whole process of getting to Balloon Field and back pretty painless.
      Again, thank you for visiting and commenting.

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