The Spring 2023 Annual New Mexico Photographic Arts Show (ANMPAS)will be held in the Fine Arts Building at EXPO NM March 25 through April 18.

Where but New Mexico

My entry in this show is a sunset photographed in November, 2022, Where but New Mexico.

ANMPAS is free and all are welcome. EXPO NM may charge parking fees on weekends.

7 Replies to “2023 ANMPAS”

  1. That is such a beautiful sunset! Good luck with your entry, Susan! I hope you’re well.x Mel

    1. Hi, Mel! Thank you for your comment and especially for coming by.
      Other than growing older, I am well. I needed a sabbatical from the world. ? I’m easing back slowly and gradually.
      So very nice to see you here.

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