- 2017 Balloon Fiesta, Part 1: Special Shapes
- 2017 Balloon Fiesta Special Shapes
- 2017 Balloon Fiesta
2017 Balloon Fiesta Special Shapes
2017 Balloon Fiesta special shapes: the crowd loves them. And, I like them too! But, in addition, I also like the “sky jewels.” Another post will show some of those. But, first of all, I want to show a few more of the Special Shapes.

Finally, for those of you in the Albuquerque area, the weather looks good for the remainder of the 2017 Balloon Fiesta. Almost all the information you could need is here.
They are all so different and colorful. I like them all. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos Susan.
Hi, Juanita! Thank you for visiting this morning. It was a great day, as it virtually always is at Balloon Fiesta. I don’t know if you have been this year – or have time! – but the weather looks to be good through the weekend. Thank you for the comment, as always! 🙂
Always interesting special shapes. There is supposed to be a baby in a carriage balloon and motorcycles balloons this year. I have not seen them flying. Did you see them?
Hi, Tim. I have the baby in a carriage from the backside only, so it isn’t great, but I’ll post it later. It does show a toy falling out. The motorcycle did not launch the day I was there, but it did inflate and I have some pics of it. I’ll post it later too. It was complex and large!!! An impressive new balloon…
I came into the office early, so I don’t know what balloons flew from the special shapes rodeo, but I hear most balloons were flaying north this morning.
I’m working out at the Old Church later, so I didn’t even think about going. The weather has certainly been perfect this year!
Great shots! They are so fun. The motorcycle needs a much larger space to launch than is available during the event so it just inflates. (And I’ve been volunteering at the Balloon Museum having a great time.)
Hi, Laurie! What a great place to volunteer!! I’m sure you are having a great time, although I know you have a great time no matter what you are doing! Thanks for the explanation about the motorcycle. Thanks for stopping by this morning!
Hi, Susan! Yes, it has been a treat to be at the museum. I’ll definitely do it again next year! KOAT did a story on Superbike, which I just went back and read. The story said superbike had roughly 20 hours flying time because of space requirements for inflation and landings. It did launch here at Fiesta, not sure where they landed? (Next time I’ll fact check before I touch the keypad!) I’m looking forward to seeing the exhibit at the Old San Yaidro Church this weekend!
Hi, Laurie. I’m glad you are going to the Old Church show. My “Fruit of Ancient Myths” sold (happy!), but there are some very nice pieces there. I hope you enjoy it!
The armadillo is my new favorite. It has such a sweet facial expression.
Hi, Barbara. That is my favorite new one, too!