Miniature Rose Incognito
Miniature rose Incognito has long been one of my favorites. In usual years, it produces some perfectly formed blooms. The colors are always amazing. The Albuquerque area had a very mild, dry winter. While that does not bode well for the summer and potential for fires, the spring bloom of roses has been the best I have ever seen here. I’ve been here for over 30 years. This little bloom and bud gave a delightful splash of color. Finally, the bloom had perfect form.

Really beautiful.
Thanks, Tim!
Hi Susan, Incognito is one of my favorites too, and the bloom you’ve captured here is a real winner! Blue ribbon!
Hi, Carol! Great to see you. I’m glad to know Incognito is one of your favorites also. This has been an incredible year for roses this spring in Albuquerque. The roses are abundant, the size they should be (well, not California size, but as large and full as they ever get here), and those that are supposed to have form like this, do. Mine will all be bloomed out before the rose show, but I’m enjoying them now. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!
Incognito is a beauty. That’s the kind of rose anyone would like to have because of its perfect form. The Dr. Hueys are about 2-3 weeks away here. Most of the time roses are going good during the first week of June. We did have a couple hummers visit, so it’s likely they have a better sense of the weather and the conditions.
A couple of O/T items:
My daughters have formally accepted their admission to University of Colorado School of Medicine. They register on July 31, Aug 1 is a full-day orientation session. Aug 6 is the first day of classes (it’s the nervous day for the parents, watching the kids take another step into their lives). Nov 23 is the last day of term and roughly six weeks off for the holiday season. Jan 6 is start of the spring term.
Your new book, “Reluctant Daughter of Texas”, sounds quite interesting. I’ll have to buy a hard copy. (We’re one of those families who like to read from actual books, lol.) Laurie and I will be interested in reading why you’re a reluctant daughter of Texas. Laurie is an adopted daughter of Texas; her and her sister Cindy were born at the Presidio in the Bay Area. However, Laurie’s Texas accent came out sounding more “Australian-like”. (yes, a few mistake her as being Aussie.)
Hi, David! Thank you. The Dr Huey’s here are interesting – those in warm micro-environments are blooming now, while those in only slightly cooler areas are just forming buds. I think those tough old roses have better sense, just like the hummers. My hummers were about a week early this year.
Again, congratulations to your daughters and the entire family. That school sounds quite wise, giving a six week break after the first semester. Intelligent!
I appreciate that the book sounds interesting to you. It certainly isn’t anything I would have set out to do, but then, there it was. Like a lot of things in my life… :-)))))))))))
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!